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Information about 21st century books about James Clerk Maxwell

We publish a newsletter with essays etc. about Maxwell and modern science twice a year. See our archive of newsletters.

The following wall panels relating to James Clerk Maxwell are in PDF form and will open in a separate window, you may save a copy if desired.


An example is shown here, the downloads are high resolution PDFs which, if printed full size, are 1m high.

These wall panels were prepared by Dr John Reid for events in Aberdeen, and are particularly oriented to James Clerk Maxwell's period as a Professor at Marischal College, Aberdeen. These are now available for download and may be printed as large scale posters.

Bibliography for James Clerk Maxwell

List of Books and Scientific Papers written by JCM, including those not in Collected Works by Niven, Sir W D (editor) (1890) The scientific papers of James Clerk Maxwell, Cambridge University Press.

List of books in JCM's Scientific Library

James Clerk Maxwell's 1871 Paper to the London Mathematical Society where he suggests the word ‘curl' for a vector quantity. (Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, s1-3, 224-233)

Mathematical Tripos and Smith's Prize Results for the years 1845, 1848, 1852, 1853, 1854.

Stokes Smith's Prize Paper of 1854 sat by JCM, with Stokes' Theorem as a question.

Smith's Prize questions set by JCM in 1879. This includes the accepted solutions submitted in response to the prize offered by the Foundation as part of the 175th anniversary celebrations of of JCM's birth.

Bibliography for P.G. Tait

A review of the 1882 biography: 'The Life of James Clerk Maxwell, with a selection from his correspondence and Occasional Writings and a Sketch of his Contributions to Science." By Prof. Lewis Campbell, M.A,. LL. D., and Prof. William Garnett, M.A. (The Times of 1882?)

James C Rautio's digitized version of the above Campbell and Garnet biography (which includes a whole section on his poems).

Francis Galton Questionnaire In about 1870, Francis Galton conducted a survey of well-known scientists on which he based his ‘English Men of Science'. Maxwell filled out Galton's questionnaire himself.

Obituary tribute to JCM by Professor P. G. Tait in Trans. Royal Soc. Edinburgh

Obituary tribute to JCM in Scotsman Newspaper

Extracts from from the James Clerk Maxwell Commemorative Booklet for The Fourth International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics:

Other articles

The JCM Foundation is a charity formed in Scotland in 1977. (Registered Charity SC015003)
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